Net Art died but is doing well

A net art morreu mas passa bem



The art work is inspired by the traditional sidewalks of São Paulo with a geometric pattern that refers to the map of the state, created by Mirthes Bernardes in 1965. As we walked through the city, we came across sidewalks that were sloppily renovated, with the modules fitted in different positions than the standard. As if the city, despite the effort of some to order it, tended towards chaos. But there is also beauty in chaos! In this interactive site, the audience is a co-author of the work, by deconstructing the pattern by clicking on the modules. The deconstructed pattern can be downloaded in JPG format and used freely.

Vinícius Ladivez


Vinícius Ladivez is graduated in mechatronics at SENAI and product design at FAU-USP (São Paulo) and studied one year of industrial product design at aston university (Birmingham,UK). He works as product designer, “maker culture” teacher and experiments with computational art.