

Alhures, portuguese word translated as ‘elsewhere’, but that i like to think also as ‘elsewhen’ is a sound and visual piece, an experimental film with the word ‘alhures’ in one deep green background. Alhures – spaces in time set up in negative and positive planes, which launches this adverb into an opening of possible meanings when spoken and heard repeatedly at the same time as seen in different spellings, fonts, letters, coming and going movements, like a light now on, now off, now silence, now articulated sound.

Tassia Mila/gatopretopulando


I am sound and visual composer, weaver I compose sonic/sound and visual books, sonic and visual tales, stories and imaginations; and I research the practice of experimental cinema. I was born and raised in Jequié-Maracás, in Bahia, and I’m indigenous from the Pataxó-Kiriri peoples. I currently live and work in São Paulo Capital City and I’m studying Fine Arts at USP-University of São Paulo.