
The Wrong Biennale Pavilion

Jovi Jererê


The video “Poem with J: Jovi Jererê” is a blend of analog and digital serendipity, achieved through Arte Inesperada (AI), a process created by the artist herself. Interested in the coincidences and consequences of being attentive to emerging elements in the present (like the Poem brought by Luciana Andradito to TPM and the video brought by the iPad app), the artist positions herself in an urgent situation to meet a demand (create something acceptable for WRONG B.). She adopts a hermeneutic phenomenological stance and adds the connective “YES AND” and areas of uncomfortable and risky autentic action (after using ChatGPT to get the words for the poem, she returned the protagonism to herself by finding metaphors and words avoided or unknown to ChatGPT). In AI, an aesthetic, ethical, pedagogical journey is expected (in this case, the artist had to learn to use ChatGPT and Revive). As it deals with something new, the process is also about healing, both physically and emotionally, as Arte Inesperada was created in light of the theory of neuroplasticity to reduce chemotherapy sequelae. In the video, instead of serve as a portal to the past, the photograph (because of the rough finishing of the artwork, due to the artist’s inexperience with AI tools and the limitations of AI) brings the viewers to the present world, where images and texts can easily be created with the help of AI tools, prompting them to engage in creative action and making, even if it’s incipient and imperfect.

Ines Yajima Habara


Electronic Engineer (UnB), D.Sc. (UFRJ) in the field of understanding others, diversity, and inclusion. Books adopted in FGV and UFRJ courses. Paixão de Ler award for a children’s book. AnimaMundi and Sprocket with an animated short film. TCAF with comic books. She planned games for the Ontario Science Centre and a VR installation for the Albion Library. Video poem Exhibition at Casa das Rosas (SP), and a poem banner displayed during the street occupation through UFCA (CE).