O Sabor Delicado do Nada


“O Sabor Delicado do Nada” is an animation video art and single from the musical project Ciberpajé. The work starts from capturing images of the Ciberpajé (aka Edgar Franco) performing a magical pose ritual in the context of the transmedia universe of the Post-Human Aurora, staging a battle with himself, against his dilemmas and inner demons. The animations were created by feeding the artificial intelligence system with more than 300 original Ciberpajé artworks. The creators C.N.S. (aka Diogo Soares) and Ciberpajé took 6 months in the machine learning process to reach a result that pleased them. The experimental animation deals in a dreamlike, symbolic and metaphorical way with the transcendent concepts proposed in the aphorism that generated the song created by Alan Flexa. The aphorism, recited by the voice of the Ciberpajé, makes metaphorical connections with the military treatise The Art of War, by Sun Tzu, mixing its concepts with the search for inner balance present in the Tao-Te King, by Lao Tzi, and concepts taken from the Book of the Five Rings, attributed to the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi. It deals with the pressing need to never victimize ourselves in the face of life’s circumstances, to take responsibility for our actions, to face pain and losses as part of the natural process of existence, self-forgiveness and learning so that we never make the same mistakes, the The text is a metaphorical view of this positioning of the magician Ciberpajé.

Ciberpajé (aka Edgar Franco) and C.N.S. (aka Diogo Soares)


Edgar Franco is Ciberpajé, a transmedia artist, one of the Brazilian pioneers of the poetic-philosophical genre of comics, and mentor of the band Posthuman Tantra. Researcher of expanded comics, author of 4 academic books and numerous articles on hybrid narratives and transmedia. Post-doctor in arts from Unesp/Brazil, post-doctor in art and technoscience from UnB/Brazil, doctor of arts from USP/Brazil, and permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Visual Art and Culture at UFG/Brazil.
