Páginas para estancar o sangue


In order to understand the circumstances of chauvinism, sexism and racism as the irrational constitution of a patriarchal bestiary, as an unreasonable project of an inheritance from a Colonial past, this artistic proposition aims to present collective reflections on the concept of “subject” and “object” discussed by Grada Kilomba (2019), whose thought is to point out the subjects, privileged people who have the power of speech over their own stories, and the objects, oppressed people who end up having their stories told by the subjects. In this experimentation in video art, the words LUTO/LUTA are tensioned, the perspectives to denounce the forms of violence and oppression against women, as well as to produce voice and consciousness to decolonize the body, being and thought. From this intersectional context, we aim to think about art to promote reflections on the concepts of Feminism, Decoloniality, Decoloniality, presenting artistic production as a form of collective writing of decolonial biographical narrative. This art-feminism relationship shows the intrinsic need of women, as people located outside the patriarchal, cisnormative and heteronormative society, to build a wide space of denunciation, visibility and development of critical thinking about their condition, as part of the process of deconstruction of the ties of patriarchy.

Coletiva Terra Femini (Grupo de Pesquisa em Arte, Tecnologia e Feminismo/UFMS – integrantes: Agatha Scaff, Márcia Albuquerque, Venise Melo e Verônica Lindquist)


Research group created in 2018, registered at CNPq / UFMS, which aims at theoretical-practical studies in experimental art and technologies, in the approximation of concepts about Feminisms and the languages of performance, installations, spatial interventions, video art, videoperformance and photoperformance, elaborated collectively, from the narrowing of art and society, in order to produce important reflections, denunciations and criticisms about the urgent needs to fight for women’s rights.