Net Art died but is doing well

A net art morreu mas passa bem


✲Stroboscopic content


AIꓷOႱ is an artwork that references the historical legacy of JODI, a duo composed of Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans who have been creating net art since the 1990s. This reference is employed to investigate the dynamics of aesthetic assimilation operated through recent Artificial Intelligence systems. AIꓷOႱ (AI+JODI) is composed of HTML pages whose source codes were entirely written by a GPT system, with the aim of creating experiments inspired by JODI. The method of interaction with the robot is summarized as follows: first, suggestions for experiments inspired by the duo’s creations are requested; then, an HTML code is requested based on one of these suggestions. Operating similarly to text-to-image AI systems, the robot creates experiments that generically mimic an artistic style of Joan and Dirk. Upon closer examination, it becomes apparent how the incisive, powerful and technologically visceral characteristics that define the duo’s artworks are digested – and consequently, reduced to a pattern – resulting in a mirroring of the dynamics of AIs over the more disruptive dimensions of Art.

Fabio FON


Fabio FON (Fábio Oliveira Nunes) is an artist-researcher focused on contemporary languages, working on experimental art, visual poetics and art-technology. He holds Arts PhD from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo, a Post-doctorate in Arts from the Institute of Arts of Unesp, a Master in Multimedia (Multimedia) at UNICAMP and Bachelor of Fine Arts at UNESP. He is the author of the books “CTRL+ART+DEL: distúrbios em arte e tecnologia” (Ed. Perspectiva, 2010) and “Mentira de artista: arte (e tecnologia) que nos engana para repensarmos o mundo” (Cosmogonias Elétricas, 2016) .