Canavial sideral, cratera o meteoro


My wish for 2022 different for you. this text is free inspired by clara crocodile and flying sharks by master arrigo, but mainly in several posts by your lordships. maybe he had made a movie and maybe it was the most commented subject of the moment, any resemblance to the lack of real life will be mere coincidence.

Daniel Minchoni


Danielminchoni is poesia esporte clube, jovens escribas (rn), sarau do burro, burruído, selo doburro, nolombo e nolombinho, cabaret revoltaire, menor slam do mundo, slam do corpo e phala’cia, núchleo phermanenthe de phesquisa em pherphormance e phala phoéthica (sp). yours books are: escolha o título, iapois poisia, ouvivendo e carnevais, ex-porro, poema sugo e rosário de boatos ou trancelim de outros. your new’s book is phala’cia. @danielminchoni